We have renewed!

We have renewed!

For Go4mosaic.com’s 1st birthday, a couple of changes have been made on our site. We’ve moved our blog from Tumblr and has been integrated into our website now. Our mosaic-creating page will soon be available in several languages. The first language that you can already use the site in is Hungarian. Other languages will be coming soon!

„Köszöntjük a magyar olvasóinkat!”

If you create a mosaic and share it, please use the #go4mosaic tag.

Follow our pages on social networking sites as well.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Go4Mosaic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Go4Mosaic
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/go4mosaic/
Google plus: https://plus.google.com/108113473914216894537

Have fun creating mosaics!